Tuesday, 26 July 2011

Day Thirteen and Fourteen

Forgot to mention that on Sat evening we went to a program in Kunkajang which was amazing fun!!

Sunday - Beach. Today, no severe burns, which is an improvement! Tide was quite strong so lots of waves to surf/crash into. A lovely end to the week!... Oh, and chip butty's for lunch!!!

Monday- Back to the project and the drawings and paintings were well underway! Winnie The Poo, Eyeore, Jimminy Cricket, Hiss (snake from Jungle book), Alice (in Wonderland) and the Cheshire cat... oh, and the mini self portraits of us (you will soon see!) were drawn and some painted! Definitely challenege's Leonardo's Sistine Chapel!! came back to the lodge at 3ish and some slept, some washed, some read and some mended clothes..... can you guess who did what? (not who you think!)

Very sad tonight because it's Lizzie's last night in The Gambia :'( Mariarma cooked Domada (Lizzie's favourite – and all of ours!) and we spent the rest of the eveining playing drinking games and getting throughly gazebo'd (as Michael Mactintyre would say)! …. hope it doesn't show!

Night night xxx

Monday, 25 July 2011

Day Eleven and Twelve

On Friday went to Bangalingding to continue painting. We managed to get the whole room finished as the teachers had removed the rest of the boxes and toys. Looking really good now! Amazing what a lick of paint can do!

Here is the otherside:

And very excitingly on fridy after we'd been to the school we went to friday prayers (which was extra important because it was a bank holiday) BUT meant that we had to wear traditional muslim attire, which, we looked pretty darn special in.... as you will now see!!!

Not how you're used to us looking like right?! But was a really good experience and totally different to anything we know...! Not sure what was said at the prayers as it was in Mandinka but we may now be muslim...... hmmm.

On saturday we went back to the project so that Lizzie could make the most of her last few days [ :( ]. We drew the tree on the main wall and painted most of it (apart from the shadows) ... got throughly messy in oil paint (which is a Bu**er to work with!!) .... here's a little taster of what it is looking like so far:

Thursday, 21 July 2011

Day 8, 9 and 10

Spent the last 3 days working in the deaf school. Even though their exams have finished they still go into school but the teachers are busy writing reports etc so we got to do crafts such as, butterfly painting, leaf painting, snowflake stencils as well as playing group games outside with the children. It was suprisingly easy to communicate with the children by demonstrating but anything we had trouble with the teachers signed for us. Very strange being in such quiet classrooms!!!
The Akalu's wifes adopted daughter, Agi, in february was sponsered by mark short to go to St Johns school for the deaf and although she's still learning to sign and is a little tyke(!!!), seems to be thriving at the school.
Harry and Emily (M) are being taught a Gambian dish tonight (Palm Oil Stew) by Mariama - so we can cook it back in England - definately won't be as nice as hers but we shall see...!
Played a few drinking games last night and chilled out after a tiring day's work!!

 Playing Duck, Duck, GOOSE.... but obviously an adapted version - they LOVED it!

 Cheeky bit of Ring Of Fire. Standard.
Any guesses for the Rice's where this is?!

Monday, 18 July 2011

Day Seven - Monday

Went to the project at Banjalingding today. Cleared out the room, found a nest of cockroaches, numerous dead spiders and loads of massive centipedes!! Gross. As 2 rooms have been knocked into one we gave one room a lick of paint, and it looked absolutely transformed! the other side of the room we need to wait for the shelves to come down before we can paint that end. On Friday going to start decorating which we're all really excited about.

Moving tables and boxes

Getting going!!

All done... for today!

Play time.

Well deserved banana and rest after our hard days work!

Tackling the journey home after copious amounts of rain!

...This isn't wonky photography!

Day Four, Five and Six

Friday was a early start but due to the GMT (Gambian Maybe Time) breakfast turned into brunch. When we finally set off to visit the deaf school but encoundered alot of traffic en route. We arranged with the Head teacher when we'd be working there and what we'd be doing as on Friday the children had exams. We had a mini crash course on how to sign in Gambian and have learnt our names, the alphabet, good morning, how are you, yes, no and thank you - not sure how far this will get us though!! Looking forward to working there on Tuesday, wednesday and Thursday but think it will be a challenging experice for us all.

 Busy street market.

Resident lizard.

On Saturday we decided to experience the tourist area, which really WAS an experience! Being their winter, and quiet season, not only were we the ethnic minority but literally the only customers there so you can imagine how much we were targeted! Amongst being escorted from stall to stall we managed to buy some loverly jewellery and traditional african bits, with thanks to Emily's (Rice) master bartering skills!!
In the evening we were invited to what the gambians call a program but we call a party, which was literally in the middle of nowhere which invloved lots of dancing and lots of fun!

Woke up (Sunday) to thunder and lightening like you've never seen or heard before!!! We all sat out wrapped in blankets and watched the down pour creating feet deep puddles everywhere!! So this is the rainy season...

Oh, and the bugs thrive from the rain and are multiplying monster insects! Makes eating a little difficult and bug was definately on the menu that night! (Lizzie cooked lasagne! Yummy!)

'Tunder storm'

Spent the day at the beach, had a chip butty for lunch and enjoyed the cool sea in the mid day heat!

Our local :) ... 20 Dalasi beers - Julbrew (about 40p!!)

Friday, 15 July 2011

Day Three

Emily and Harry here reporting from The Gambia in the early hours of the morning because it's hot, sticky, sweaty and humid... and the heat and malaria tablets are inducing some cranky dreams and hallucinations!!
Today Tibatou school was having a leaving party for the older children which are moving up to the next school. We had the honor of presenting some of the children who had the best attendance and grades with some awards (wrapped presents). Literally experienced a Vicar of Dibley "4 Christmas Dinner" situation as platter after platter was put in front of us all day!!! And when with 'Alfa' (another chiefy type of guy) we had to eat with our hands which was interesting... and I think perhaps a little less messy than with cutlery?
Oh and some exciting news, we've been invited to a massive celebration party in a near by village and will get to meet The Gambian president!! I think this is on the 28th but they said they'd remind us nearer the time! So hopefully can let you know all about it soon!

KC's little girl Ashya. Possibly the smallest and cutest thing in the world!

Alfa is the guy in an Emily sandwich. .... Eating our 5th meal with our hands :) cause we're native.

Wednesday, 13 July 2011

Day 1 and 2!

ABIN-YAR-DAY (hello in mandinka!)

Arrived safe and soundly at Banjul Airport at about 4pm local time. Was welcomed by an almost unbearable heat and humidity for our English origins!!! Although the travel to the lodge in an open top rangerover (from the Faulkland war) was bliss! Bumpy but bliss. We were welcomed with 'wonjo' (the nectar from a sweet flower and banana essence) and the near by villagers and Akali (the chief) came to say abinyarday! Everyone's absolutely lovely and very friendly! Stayed up until 3 in the morning sat by a fire, under the stars, playing cards (and drinking) with the locals while a couple of the boys were drumming.

Today, went for a tour of some of schools4schools projects which was really interesting, especially for Em and Lizzie who can see what differences have been made! For the majority of the trips we all had a swarm of children around us with a minimum of 3 children attached to our fingers! At around 3 we went to 'paradise beach' and had fish and chips which were A.MAZING. Needless to say, a swim in the sea was inevitable!

Intrepid explorers, at the airport.

On the Rangerover.

'Segi' on the left.

Jabang school.

Chatting to the kids.

Paradise beach!

Dinner with the Akali.

Wednesday, 6 July 2011

The Gambia.

 So you'll be able to see (just!), that The Gambia is squeezed into the West coast of Africa. In the picture below you can see how The Gambia consists of a river running down the middle and a slither of country either side of it!

 Now I *think* but no doubt will have to be corrected, but the box drawn on the picture below will be the vicinity where we will be staying in - I tried to get a satellite image but Geography skills weren't great and all I could find were vast area's of nothingness.... although, that's probably about right!

The hut is the visitor centre where we will stay throughout the 4 weeks. The bedrooms are twins and pretty basic to Western standards but nicely furnished and clean.

PS. 6 DAYS TO GO!!!!! =D

Sunday, 3 July 2011

The Blog.

Being a complete techno-phobe and a tad computer illiterate I am a little unsure to the use of 'blogs' so this is a bit of a tester 'post' - however, hopefully it will be a useful way for us to update friends, family and of course, our beloved boyfriends about our adventures in The Gambia. Hopefully, internet signal dependant, we can post daily activites, photos and information about the trip.